Jill Goldstein
Westwood, CA
Jill Goldstein has been with Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein LLP since 2002. Her responsibilities include film and television participation audits, record royalty, music publishing and merchandising audits, forensic audits in a variety of industries, and due diligence. Jill also provides expert witness testimony.
Jill’s focus is Audit, and she specializes in:
- Contract compliance inspections
- Film and television participation audits
- Record royalty audits
- Music publishing audits
- Merchandising audits
Jill is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a degree in business administration and a graduate of the University of Texas with a Masters in professional accounting. She is a certified public accountant licensed in the state of California. Prior to joining NKSF, Jill spent 15 years at Ernst & Young where she had extensive experience performing both financial reporting and operational audits as well as the preparation and auditing of SEC documents such as 10Ks, 10Qs, and other registration statements. She was an active participant in numerous initial public offerings of equity and debt, private placement memorandums and acquisitions.
Jill is a member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certificated Public Accountants.